Andrew I. Brooks, Ph.D., 1969 - 2021 | Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer Infinity BiologiX LLC (formerly RUCDR)

On Saturday, January 23, Andrew Ira Brooks (“Andy” to everyone) became ill suddenly and died near his Manhattan, New York home. He was 51 years of age, born and raised in New Jersey. Andy received his Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience from
the University of Rochester and became their Director of Medical Center Core Facilities. Four years later he returned to New Jersey to direct the joint Rutgers/UMDNJ EOHSI Bionomics Research and Technology Center with an appointment as Research
Professor in the Rutgers University Department of Genetics. In 2009 he became Chief Operating Officer and Director of Technology Development of RUCDR, Infinite Biologics®, a Rutgers public/private partnership. His career is distinguished
by his scholarship, service to the field of biomedicine and business activities designed to improve human health. Dr. Brooks co-authored over 70 publications, several with over 1000 citations in the literature. Moreover, he played a key role
in providing consultation, biobanking and analytical services to many large research projects that have yielded important insights into the genomic etiology of human diseases and the effects of environmental exposures. He will be remembered
by the large cohort of scientists whose research he facilitated through many formal arrangements. Notably, in early 2020, Dr. Brooks led the effort within RUCDR to develop the Rutgers COVID-19 diagnostic assay. It received FDA Emergency Use
Authorization in March 2020 as the first approved saliva diagnostic and, a month later, the first of any test approved for home use. Starting in March 2020 and continuing today, RUCDR (now IBX) has performed over four million clinical tests,
undoubtedly saving many lives, and providing a practical tool for pandemic control.
Dr. Brooks served 17 years as an advisor to the Food and Drug Administration, as Director of the Harlan (now Envigo) GeneScreen® Laboratory and as Co-Founding Director of the BioProcessing Solutions Alliance. In June 2020 he led the effort
to privatize RUCDR Infinite Biologics, founding Infinity BiologiX, LLC® (IBX) and becoming Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientific Officer. As a leader in biomaterials, IBX employs over 500 staff across multiple sites to provide support
to the development of diagnostics, therapeutics and research for genomics, precision medicine and regenerative medicine.
Andy loved golf, playing with his father as a youth, in college and throughout adulthood. He was an extraordinarily accomplished amateur, winning international tournaments with his skill, concentration, and friendly competitive spirit. He is survived
by his mother, Mrs. Phyllis Brooks, his sister, Janet Green, his children Lauren, Hannah and Danielle, and by his wife, Jil Brooks.
Written by Jay A. Tischfield, colleague and friend.